Content: - Abigail's Party updates
- CADS Picnic
Abigail's Party tickets now available Tickets for Abigail's Party are now on sale! You can buy tickets through our ticket partners Positickets, click here or by calling 07925 674 967 or by emailing [email protected] Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for children and students. The paly is being performed at Meridian School on September 22nd, 23rd and 24th (Thu-Sat) at 7.30pm. Doors open around 7pm. There's a cash bar selling refreshments and drinks. Tickets must be paid for in advance, so if you leave a voicemail or contact us by email, please leave your contact details so we can arrange payment. We can accept cash or cheque in person or can take card payments over the phone.
Paid-up members of CADS can claim a free ticket to one performance - please call or email for more details of how to book.
CADS Picnic The CADS summer picnic has been scheduled for Saturday, August 27th and will take place on The Heath in Royston. The plan is to gather from midday onwards, with these things usually ending around 6-7pm. Bring a picnic lunch and/or tea - food and drink can be purchased from the nearby Sports Bar on the heath too. Around 4pm we hope to stage a play reading if there's enough interest in those present - something physical with lots of movement. Bring outdoor games if you wish (kubb, mollky, Frisbees, balls etc) and enjoy a day in the sun on the heath. This event is open to all comers - so bring your family and friends if you wish. Find us on the grass near the tennis courts. Dates: - 27th August: CADS Picnic on The Heath, Royston
- 22nd-24th September: Abigail's Party
Next newsletter To put information in the next newsletter, or if you would like something discussed at the next CADS committee meeting, please contact [email protected] or call Ian Cowley on 01763 244927. Don’t forget, if you need to contact the group you can communicate via the CADS website at, or the Facebook group at, or tweet us @CADSROYSTON Committee Members (current) Peter Worthy (President), Ian Cowley (Chair) 01763 244927, Wendy Watts (Vice-Chair) 01763 245820, Rupert Jordan (Treasurer & Membership Secretary) 01763 262 885, Donika Jordan (Secretary) 01763 262885, Emma Shaw, Jill Buggey, Paula Davies |